quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2014



The first habitants of the region were not foreign and had settled there in 1875. In 1913, descendants of German settlers and Italian immigrants settled there, starting the settlement.
The municipality of Gramado was created in December 15, 1954, after being emancipated city Taquara.

Located in the Bottom of the Hill Northeast, Rio Grande do Sul, more precisely in the Region of hydrangeas, Lawn is distant 115 km from the state capital, Porto Alegre


Important places

Portico (Entry Via Taquara)
Located at the entrance of the city via Taquara in Norman style and
inaugurated on June 8, 1991.'s A tribute to the German colonization.
Address: RS 115
Phone: (54) 3286.8171
Free access.
Belvedere - Quilombo Valley
Beautiful Landscape, Lawn shows how privileged is by
nature. There, 850m altitude seem a prayer of love and softness.
Address: Av.das Hydrangeas
Free access.

St. Peter's Church
The structure built in basalt displays art in stained glass and sacred images in
perfect architectural harmony.
Address: Avenida Borges de Medeiros, 2659
Phone: (54) 3286.1187
Opening hours: Every day, 8am to 21pm. Closed for maintenance in
first and third Mondays of the month.
Free access.
Covered Street
Scenario events and presentations, covering the street which connects Av
Borges de Medeiros and Garibaldi Street, it's a great alternative to shopping
and dining for tourists, especially on rainy days.
Address: Mother Veronica
Free access.


Palácio dos Festivais - Cine Ambassador
Headquarters view movies participants Film Festival Lawn – Latin
and Brazilian Cinema. During the event gets established artists of
the most distinguished places in the world and shows films competing for "Kikito".
Green Land
The Green Land, is a chance to connect with nature where you
will find a lake with terápico sludge, contact with animals, emotion
suspended in trails and suspension bridge. In this place nature shows
its beauty safely providing fun for adults and children.

Mini World
Mini-World Created by Höppner family in 1981, is the fantasy of a
miniature city, Legoland, Denmark style. Shows replicas of an
imaginary and creative world.
The park of Serra Gaucha, however, is not just a recreational space
tourist. The Gramadozoo brings a new concept for the segment. Animal
welfare, research, education and environmental conservation are the
pillars that guide the activities of the enterprise. 

*Seeking to meet the tourist even more qualified way, the servers of the
Department of Tourism, received a new shirt that will be part of the uniform.
With the uniform, the servers will use a bottom identification.
*This year, two new itineraries Lawn earn agritourism: Line Path Avila Creative
Writing and Floodplain / Serra Grande. Both aim to further growth of the city valuing a new tourism niche

Gramado Transportes e Turismo – Canelinha
Fly Bus

Source: http://www.gramado.rs.gov.br/

Group: Alina, Estefânia e Juliane 
Class: 231

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