Lomba Grande,
the largest neighborhood of the city of Novo Hamburgo!
Lomba grande is located in the city of Novo Hamburgo, it is not a city, but a neighborhood.
Lomba grande is located in the city of Novo Hamburgo, it is not a city, but a neighborhood.
Flag of the City of Novo Hamburgo, because Lomba Grande is a great neighborhood, and does not have a flag.
The neighborhood Lomba Grande it is a totally rural neighborhood with lots of planting and livestock.
The Lutheran Church is considered a monument, a historical point which was one of the first buildings.
The temperature in Lomba Grande does not vary that much, it is cooler, usually gets around the minimum of 13° and maximum of 26°.
Clothing suggestions for touring Lomba Grande
wellies; Any type of pants; Any type of shirt.
Local Food *Some suggestions of places to eat
- Hill House Restaurant
João Aloísio Allgayer Street - Phone: 51 3596-1042
- Central Restaurant and snack bar
(Lunch Special on Saturdays)
Street João Aloísio Allgayer, 1266
- Restaurant and trade in colonial products Frühstück
João Aloísio Allgayer Street, 965 - Phone: 51 3596-2016
- Portal - Restaurant Events
Road Afonso Strack, 2360 - Phone: 51 3596-2202
- Shooters Society Lomba Grande
(Traditional lunch on Sundays)
João Aloísio Allgayer Street, 461 - Phone: 51 3596-1364
- Gaucho Society Lomba Grande
(Tuesdays Traditional gaucho with dinner)
Albano Germano Konrath street, 1305 - Phone: 51 3596.2698
Lomba Grande is known as the neighborhood of extreme sports , so if you like that sort of activity, below is a map with the locations of these activities, among others with other activities.
* One suggestion is: the Crab Ranch Wilderness, in it you can enjoy lots of adventure, lots of fun in the pools and in the field.
How to get there?
With this map, it is impossible to miss and easy to reach.
Another suggested location is:
Albano Germano Konrath street, 1305 - Phone: 51 3596.2698
Lomba Grande is known as the neighborhood of extreme sports , so if you like that sort of activity, below is a map with the locations of these activities, among others with other activities.
* One suggestion is: the Crab Ranch Wilderness, in it you can enjoy lots of adventure, lots of fun in the pools and in the field.
How to get there?
With this map, it is impossible to miss and easy to reach.
Another suggested location is:
Street Afonso
Strack, 8305 - Santa Maria do Butiá - Lomba Grande - Novo Hamburgo/RS -
How to get there?
Bruna Stoffel and Dioges Webler - 232
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