segunda-feira, 12 de maio de 2014
Situated between Porto Alegre and the Serra Gaucha, on Vale do Rio Caí, the city of Bom Princípio is a young town,  emancipated on May 12, 1982.
                German colonization, is nationally known for its fruit symbol, strawberry, and to honor its greatest icon, held every two years National Strawberry Festival.
              It has an area of 88,242,8 km ² and its estimated population in 2009 was 11,792 inhabitants, with 7,815 voters.
              Good Principle has as its symbol the strawberry, or "strawberry".
              The fruit is grown by about 160 families, yielding in a small area, more than a thousand tons of strawberries per year. Growers plant one acre on average, and the use of techniques such as plasticulture ensures high productivity even in the offseason. The strawberry is produced during eight months of the year, between May and December 7.
               Every two years, in September, the town hosts the "National Strawberry Festival", attracting visitors from nearby towns. Interweaving these years is held Construmóvel, fair of ceramic and furniture sector.
               In the city, there is still a giant strawberry known as "Morangão" to greet visitors and make them aware that they are entering the "Land of the strawberry."
              Family Mossmann in Good Principle, Your Grandma Odette Eugene and receive visitors. Doing rescue work of the most traditional recipes of the derivatives of cane sugar produced by them in the ecological system. Molasses, brown sugar, brown sugar and liqueur.
                Ecological Trails
National Strawberry Festival
                Municipal Park (“Parque Morangão”)

Names: Henrique Garcia e Gabriel Santos
Class: 231

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